.. _openstacksdk: ============= OpenStack SDK ============= The python `OpenStack SDK `_ is a library that exposed the OpenStack API to the developers. The following use information provided by Enos to connect to OpenStack and then programmatically create a project, users and networks. It assumes Enos has already deployed an OpenStack and your are in the virtual environment if you have created one. First install the OpenStack SDK. .. code-block:: sh (venv) $ pip install python-openstacksdk Then asks enos where is your ``admin-openrc``, source it and check everything is OK. .. code-block:: sh (venv) $ source $(enos info --out json|jq -r '.resultdir')/admin-openrc (vnev) $ env|fgrep OS|sort OS_AUTH_PLUGIN=password OS_AUTH_URL= OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 OS_INTERFACE=internal OS_PASSWORD=demo OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=Default OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne OS_TENANT_NAME=admin OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default OS_USERNAME=admin And that's it! Now, you can execute the following ``openstacksdk.py`` file that reads ``OS_*`` variables from you environment to instantiate the ``cloud`` REST client. Executes it with ``python openstacksdk.py``. .. literalinclude:: openstacksdk.py :language: python